Stone Series

Timeless, firm, unshakeable foundations; solid construction; building blocks to stand the test of time and serve a lifetime of leadership...this is how we think of our Stone Series. This series is the absolute sweet spot of all leadership development.

It begins with Lodestone, our HiPo development program, then proceeds to Cornerstone, our intensive 15-month program teaching 30 bedrock fundamentals for all new and soon-to-be leaders in formal managerial positions. Third comes Keystone, for mid-career folks who lead teams, supervise others, manage projects, manage departments or functions, and are generally the rocks that support the weight of the entire arch. Fourth comes Gemstone, designed for leaders experiencing or nearing burnout and needing to recapture both their sparkles and smiles. Fifth and finally is Capstone, designed to help Act III leaders finish strong as they embrace legacy, succession, and retirement.

Together, this tremendous series represents the metaphorical Main Hall on our campus of concepts.

See How Our Stone Series is organized.